Art Photography - Caravaggio's Painting Cardsharps
We have recently photographed an old painting for one of our clients. It looks like it could be another version of Caravaggio's Cardsharps - one of the paintings of this famous Italian artist who is also one of our favorite. We were asked to take many pictures of it in a way that shows some texture and a lot of details from the painting to help to identify it as the original or copy of art by Caravaggio. We were really honored we were asked to photograph this amazing artwork and hope that thanks to our photography this paying will be properly identified. It is quite possible it is another original version of this amazing painting. If it is the case, we will be really happy we helped it its identification and in bringing it out to the world. Here is more information about the original artwork:
If you would like us to photograph your art, or maybe old artwork you presently posses and would like to have also identified, or just to have a picture of it for insurance purposes, please contact us for more information. You never know, you might be holding a masterpiece worth a fortune, as we hope is the case for our client to whom this Caravaggio painting belongs.
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by the copyright holder. Copyright © Renata Ratajczyk 2001-2013. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, electronic or otherwise is strictly forbidden unless approved in writing
by the copyright holder. Copyright © Renata Ratajczyk 2001-2013. All rights reserved.